Dannijo Axl Cuff
Dannijo Pandy Cuff
Sundance Cuff (top) and Saint Laurent Cuff
Vintage Navajo Cuff
Photography by Santiago Vanegas
When I was a kid, my cousin Keith wondered, “How come Batman always knows what a villian is going to do? If the Joker throws sneeze powder, Batman says, ‘I knew you were going to pull that trick, so I wore my anti-sneeze suit.’ Why doesn’t he just say, ‘I knew you were going to do that, so I wore my NOBODY CAN TOUCH ME suit’.” I cannot tell you how many times I have thought about the NOBODY CAN TOUCH ME suit. I really want one of those! Not that I would want it or need it every day, but there are those times when it would really come in handy. On the days that I need armor, I reach for these cuffs. And it isn’t on the days that I feel powerful and strong. I put these on when I feel vulnerable and need a little extra protection. Very tough. Very rock and roll.
I could have used the NOBODY CAN TOUCH ME suit the other day when I attempted my own version of a super hero act, saving a little dog from a big dog. I’m happy to report that both dogs are fine, but my arm, not so much. Since I’m out of the sewing game while my injuries heal, I thought it might be a good time to show you some of the Alabama Chanin garments that I’ve made. So get ready, the month of June here at Featherstitch Avenue is going to be full of DIY Alabama Chanin!
See you next Sunday, June 7!