Bohemian Tea Dress by Tracey
Pattern, Burda 112
Liberty wool/cotton blend, B&J Fabrics
Photography by Santiago Vanegas
Can I be honest about this dress? I’m kind of on the fence about it. Throughout the process of making it, I felt like everything was on track and it was shaping up to be exactly what I wanted. But when I finished and put it on, I was underwhelmed. It isn’t an obvious miss, but something is not quite right. I think the issues might be in the waist area. The center front panel is supposed to lie flat while the side panels are gathered. The gathers pull the front in a weird way that looks a little off. The belt helps with the overall look, but I had hoped to wear this dress without a belt too, and there is just no way. (To see the dress without a belt, click here.) If I had been buying this dress, I would have been in the fitting room a long time trying to make up my mind about it. And I am someone who makes up my mind FAST. We’ve all been there. If you buy it, it ends up sitting in your closet unworn. But if you don’t, you regret it, and it becomes a better dress in your mind. You have those days when you think, “I should have gotten that dress, it would have been perfect today”. But if you really had the dress, you would put it on, and then take it right back off again. You see where I am with this thing. Well, I made it, and it will be in my closet. We’ll have to wait and see if it gets worn. I sure do love the photographs, though! Very trippy! Obviously, Santiago can make anything look good.
Next Sunday, The Joy of Silk. Have a great week, and stay warm!!