I’m still here! And I’ve been working on my skirt (as well as other sewing projects like the 30 Incan tunics I’m making for my daughter’s class!). It’s slow going, people. I was so excited about draping the pattern for this skirt and so happy that I have all the couture skills I need to pull it together that I didn’t really stop to think about the enormous amount of hand sewing that would be involved. Hand sewing is really my favorite part, so I wasn’t too worried, but my goodness, this is really excessive!
But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, I needed to lay out the pattern pieces, carefully placing each piece to preserve the stripe effect of the fabric. It’s difficult to tell in photographs but there is also a subtle verticle pattern as well. Different ribbons are used to give the fabric a beautiful change in texture, so I had to be mindful of where I was placing the pieces vertically as well as horizontally.
I gave myself enormous seam allowances because this fabric unravels at the slightest touch and I didn’t want it to totally disintegrate before I got the skirt together. Next, I laid out each piece over silk charmeuse and pinned like crazy. Then the two fabrics were quilted together. The pieces are so narrow that I was only able to manage one stitching line down the center.
Once I stitched all the fashion fabric pieces together, this is the mess that was the inside of the skirt. Seam allowances galore! Now the next step was to turn this unruly jumble into this….
You can see the machine quilted stitches alternating with the hand made fell stitches. It’s a work in progress as I still have two more seams to complete before the front of the skirt is done. Yes, just the front! I haven’t worked on the back at all yet!! It’s going to be warm before I finish this. Oh, well. It’ll get worn eventually.
Here’s more pictures of the work on the lining. I’m going to want to wear the thing inside out with all the effort that has gone into the interior work.
And a look at the outside…
Time to settle in front of the TV for the Super Bowl.
Then it’s back to sewing. So, I’ll see you when I see you.